
Tweezerman Eyebrow Tweezers

I have yet to find better tweezers. I am a very frugal person and I don't like to spend more money than I have to. Therefore, I always tweeze my own eyebrows and don't spend money on getting them professionally waxed or tweezed for me. Because of this, I have been on the hunt for some good tweezers. I actually bought my Tweezerman tweezers from bed, bath, and beyond (I know, really random)however I know that Sephora sells this product too.

This is a wonderful product to purchase because it gets the tiniest eyebrow that pops out. I like to get every last one because I never like looking in the mirror and seeing that one little black speck on my brow bone from where I couldn't get that tiny eyebrow hair. There hasn't been a piece of hair that these tweezers couldn't reach or get out. They are so precise and accurate in their plucking ability. It's the best tweezers I have ever used.

I tell you all this information because I'm sick and tired of all my friends complaining about not having a good tweezer. GET TWEEZERMANS! Now that you know, you have no excuse not to get one for youself. My friends are constantly borrowing my tweezers to pluck their eyebrows, but don't be that friend who always has to borrow. Go purchase your own and use it. I love these tweezers and will never convert to another kind.


NARS Orgasm Lipgloss

I love this lipgloss. This is a coral-pink lipgloss with gold shimmer to it. It makes your lips look very glossy and paired with the NARS Orgasm Blush it is perfection. If you've been keeping up with my blog, you know that I love anything with gold in it and I had already known about the Orgasm Blush, so when I saw the lipgloss I got really excited.

The packaging looks just like every other NARS lipgloss and has a translucent case to show the color inside. The texture of the lipgloss is very smooth and not sticky at all. I love love love this product. Lipstick isn't even needed under it. The color is very pronounced and not sheer like most lipglosses. The gold sheen is wonderful to give your lips a nice sunkissed looked especially for the summertime. It looks wonderful in pictures and takes to the camera very well.

The only complaint I would have about this product is that the scent and taste aren't nice. It kind of smells medicinal and it's not pleasant when you accident taste it. It lasts a long time on the lips however and the scent tends to fade after a while. Reapplication is necessary after about an hour or so because it is a lipgloss and tends to slip around. The gold glitter in the lipgloss also bleeds onto the outside of the lips so when wiping off the lipgloss, be careful not to get it all over your mouth or else you'll have gold shimmer all over the place.

Overall, I love the color and will be repurchasing.



Sephora Supports Breast Cancer

In light of the month of October being Breast Cancer Awareness month Sephora has taken steps to help support Breast Cancer Awareness.

Some products that are being featured as "pink products" to help support Breast Cancer Awareness:

-Clarisonic Plus for Face and Body “Cleanse for Hope” 
-Clinique BCA Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion Luxury Size
-Philosophy Shower For The Cure Shampoo, Bath & Shower Gel

 Sephora's main target audience is women. Whether those women are in high school or retired, Sephora can relate to women of all ages, races, and statuses. Sephora brings together women and stands up for Breast Cancer Awareness which plagues 200,000 women a year. As women, we need to support and stand up for each other. Sephora has great deals and products and these four featured items are raved items that can help reduce that number of women diagnosed with breast cancer per year. Check it out and help make our futures brighter.
